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2021 Conference Replay
2020 was a year like no other for people around the world. As people had to make changes for the health and safety of those in our communities, the Independent Supporters Council had to shift its plans for our 2021 Annual Conference. For the first time ever, we hosted our entire Annual Conference virtually. To everyone who helped with the 11 sessions in any capacity, whether presenting, moderating, speaking, or attending, thank you. This year would have not existed without you.
We invite the greater soccer community to join us the remainder of 2021 as we seek to EDUCATE, SUPPORT, ADVOCATE, COLLABORATE, AMPLIFY, SHARE, and STAND.
Did you miss one of the public sessions? Want to watch again? Below you will find links to watch both the Playing for Change Panel and the Racial Equality in the Workplace Workshop on the Independent Supporters Council Youtube.

Playing For Change: Panel with BPCMLS, USLBPA, and BWPC
We were honored to be joined by members of the Black Players for Change MLS, Black Players Association of the USL, and Black Women's Player Collective in a special panel moderated by Kyle Carr from Featherstone Flamingos and The Flock. Replay as they share their stories, information about their organizations, and how supporters across North American can help amplify their work and messages.
Racial Equality in the Workplace
Workshop with Eric Ward
A nationally-recognized expert on the relationship between authoritarian movements, hate violence, and preserving inclusive democracy, Eric Ward brings over 30 years of leadership in community organizing and philanthropy to his roles as Western States Center’s Executive Director and Senior Fellow with Southern Poverty Law Center and Race Forward. Since Eric took the helm in 2017, Western States Center has become a national hub for innovative responses to white nationalism, antisemitism, and structural inequality, towards a world where everyone can live, love, work, and worship free from bigotry and fear.

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