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Soccer v Homophobia 2019 - Take the Pledge

In the month of June, the Independent Supporters Council is teaming up with Soccer v Homophobia to ask all fans to take the pledge against homophobia in their home stadiums. The Independent Supporters Council believes that no matter of a person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression that ALL are welcome in the beautiful game of soccer. Human rights are not political and it is our duty as fans to ensure that people feel safe inside our stadiums.

Join us in taking the pledge.

Jump onto the social media platform of your choice and post video of you taking the pledge or even just a picture with, "I took the pledge!" and make sure you use the hashtag #SvH2019. We can't wait to see this movement spread and to make sure that the United States and Canada are known for their welcoming stadiums and fan bases.

You can find the pledges in both English, French and Spanish below:

To the best of my ability, I will make sure that players of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions feel welcomed at [insert club].

I will help ensure my fellow fans feel respected in and out of the stands and I pledge to challenge myself and others on the language and attitudes we express so that everyone feels part of the beautiful game.


Au meilleur de mes habilités, je m'assurerai que les supporters de toutes orientations sexuelles, identités de genre et expression de genre se sentent les bienvenus à [insérer un club de football].

Je vais m'assurer que les fans comme moi soient respectés à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du stade et m'engage à me défier et défier les autres sur le langage et attitudes exprimés afin que tous puissent se sentir partie intégrante de ce sport que nous aimons tous.


En la medida de lo posible, me aseguraré que todos los jugadores y fans, de cualquier que sea su orientación sexual, identidad y/o expresión de género, se sientan bienvenidos a [club de futbol].

Ayudaré a garantizar que mis compañeros fanes se sienten respetados dentro y fuera de las gradas y prometo cuestionar mi lenguaje y actitud, igualmente que las de lo otros, con tal de que todo el mundo pueda formar parte de este respetado deporte.


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